Graduate Students
Since Rice opened in 1912, the university has recognized the importance of graduate study and research as a principal means of advancing knowledge. The first doctor of philosophy degree was awarded in 1918 in mathematics. Since that time, graduate study has expanded to encompass the schools of architecture, business, continuing studies, engineering, humanities, music, natural sciences, and social sciences, as well as interdepartmental programs.
Graduate programs lead to either research or non-thesis degrees or a transcripted graduate certificate. Research programs require the completion of a publishable thesis that represents an original and significant contribution to the particular field of study. Research degrees include the doctor of philosophy (PhD), master of arts (MA), and master of science (MS).
Non-thesis programs provide advanced coursework in several disciplines but do not generally include independent research.
All credentials conferred by the university are awarded solely in recognition of educational attainments and not as warranty of future employment or admission to other programs of higher education.
For additional information on graduate programs and requirements, please go to Academic Policies and Procedures for university degree requirements and to Programs of Study for educational opportunities and graduate program specific degree requirements. For admissions information please review the Admission page in the General Announcements.