Dual Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in the field of History, with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil

Program Learning Outcomes for the Dual PhD Degree in the field of History, with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil

Upon completing the Dual PhD program in the field of History with the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate oral and written fluency at the graduate level in the two target languages.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the historiography on their research topic(s) in the two target languages.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to work with archives and libraries abroad; and demonstrate the ability to do research in the primary sources in the two target languages.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to work with two advisors showing an understanding of two distinct academic communities.

Requirements for the Dual PhD Degree in the field of History, with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil

For general university requirements, please see Doctoral Degrees. For additional requirements, regulations, and procedures for all graduate programs, please see All Graduate Students

Rice will award a PhD degree in the field of History to UNICAMP students who have successfully completed the following requirements:

  1. Passed their comprehensive examinations and been admitted to candidacy at UNICAMP.
  2. Completed 6 graduate-level courses at Rice, including three seminars, of which one must be HIST 575, one must be a History Graduate Research seminar, and one must be a History Graduate Reading seminar
  3. Enrolled in at least 9 credit hours per semester while at Rice University, including summers.
  4. Written a thesis in the language of their home institution and a summary in English that is equivalent in style, scholarship, and length to an academic journal article.
  5. Successfully presented the thesis and the summary in English to a faculty panel at Rice.
  6. Successfully defended the thesis at UNICAMP. 

UNICAMP will award the Doutor em História to Rice students who have successfully completed the following requirements:

  1. Passed their comprehensive examinations and been admitted to candidacy at Rice.
  2. Completed 2 semesters of coursework at UNICAMP, including all required courses for UNICAMP PhD students in History.
  3. Written a thesis in the language of their home institution and a summary in Portuguese, that is equivalent in style, scholarship, and length to an academic journal article.
  4. Successfully presented the thesis, and the summary, in Portuguese, to a faculty panel at UNICAMP.
  5. Successfully defended the thesis at Rice.

The requirements listed in the General Announcements (GA) satisfy the minimum requirements for this degree program. In certain instances, courses (or requirements) not officially listed here may be substituted upon approval of the program's academic advisor or, where applicable, the department or program's Director of Graduate Studies. Course substitutions or any exceptions to the stated official curricular requirements must be approved by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students and their academic advisors should identify and clearly document the courses to be taken.


Total Credit Hours Required for the PhD Degree in the field of History 90

Degree Requirements

Required Coursework
Additional Requirements as Defined by Department88
Total Credit HoursMinimum of 90

Footnotes and Additional Information

Policies for the Dual PhD Degree in the field of History, with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil

Department of History Graduate Program Handbook

The General Announcements (GA) is the official Rice curriculum. As an additional resource for students, the Department of History publishes a graduate program handbook, which can be found here: https://gradhandbooks.rice.edu/2024_25/History_Graduate_Handbook.pdf.

Additional Information

For additional information, please see the History website: https://history.rice.edu/.

Opportunities for the Dual PhD Degree in the field of History, with Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Brazil

Additional Information

For additional information, please see the History website: https://history.rice.edu/.