Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree / Master of Science in Environmental Analysis (MSEA) Degree

Program Learning Outcomes for the MBA Degree

Upon completing the MBA degree, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the foundational frameworks and tools of all business disciplines, including accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, organizational behavior, and strategic management.
  2. Develop, evaluate, and implement complex business strategies and operational solutions holistically, integrating management principles across the functional areas.
  3. Function effectively in a team setting both as a leader and a contributor.

Program Learning Outcomes for the MSEA Degree 

Upon completing the MSEA Degree, students will be able to:

  1. Apply technical and analytical skills and scientific evaluation methods to help solve problems affecting the environment. 
  2. Demonstrate written, oral, and visual communication strategies required to work effectively across science, business, and government.
  3. Possess business and management skills and professional ethics to be effective in a business environment.

Requirements for the MBA/MSEA Coordinated Degrees Program

Students may earn a coordinated MBA degree and a Master of Science degree from the Wiess School of Natural Sciences Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program in the following fields:

  • Bioscience and Health Policy (MSBHP)
  • Energy Geoscience (MSEG)
  • Environmental Analysis (MSEA)
  • Space Studies (MSSpS)

For the coordinated MBA/Master of Science degree from the Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program, students must complete:

  • A minimum of 75 credit hours in approved coursework, including: 
    • minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate-level study (coursework at the 500-level or above) to satisfy the Professional Science Master's (PSM) degree requirements
      • A minimum of 30 credit hours in the corresponding science discipline
      • All PSM degree-specific requirements
      • A three to six month internship
    • A minimum of 45 credit hours of graduate-level study (coursework at the 500-level or above) to satisfy the MBA degree requirements
      • A minimum of 45 credit hours of business coursework
      • All MBA core requirements, the global field experience, custom core requirements, and coordinated elective requirements

Students plan their course schedules in consultation with the Wiess School of Natural Sciences PSM program director and with the Jones Graduate School of Business Student Success and Academic Advising. Coordinated degrees candidates can fulfill requirements for both degrees within 3 academic years.

For general university requirements, see Degrees: Graduate-Level. For additional requirements, regulations, and procedures for all graduate programs, please see All Graduate Students. Candidates in the MBA/Master of Science degree from the Professional Science Master’s (PSM) program must complete all requirements as listed for both degrees, and must apply and be accepted in both degree programs. 

The courses listed below satisfy the requirements for this degree program. In certain instances, courses not on this official list may be substituted upon approval of the program's academic advisor, or where applicable, the department or program's Director of Graduate Studies. Course substitutions must be formally applied and entered into Degree Works by the department or program's Official Certifier. Additionally, these course substitutions must be approved by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students and their academic advisors should identify and clearly document the courses to be taken.


Total Credit Hours Required for the Coordinated Master of Science DegreeMinimum of 30
Total Credit Hours Required for the Coordinated MBA DegreeMinimum of 45

Coordinated MBA Degree Requirements

Students in the coordinated MBA/Master of Science degree from the Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degrees program must complete the Core Requirements (including the Global Field Experience Requirement), and Custom Core Requirements of the full-time MBA degree program and the Coordinated MBA Elective Requirements below. 

Full-time MBA Core Requirements 127
Full-time MBA Work Experience Requirement0.75
Full-time MBA Custom Core Courses3-4.5
Coordinated MBA Elective Requirements
Select an additional 12.75-14.25 credit hours from departmental (MGMP or MGMT) course offerings at the 500-level or above to reach 45 total credit hours. 212.75-14.25
Total Credit Hours45

Footnotes and Additional Information

Coordinated MSEA Degree Requirements

Students in the coordinated MBA/MSEA degrees program must complete the Core Requirements and Three to Six Month Internship of the MSEA degree program and the Coordinated MSEA Elective Requirements below.

MSEA Core Requirements17
MSEA Three to Six Month Internship1
Coordinated MSEA Elective Requirements21
Select a minimum of 21 credit hours from approved departmental (BIOS, CEVE, COMP, DSCI, ECON, EEPS, ENGI, GLBL, NSCI, or STAT) course offerings at the 500-level or above
Select a maximum of 6 credit hours from approved course offerings (MGMP or MGMT) from the Jones Graduate School of Business at the 500-level or above
Total Credit Hours39

Policies for the MBA/MSEA Coordinated Degrees Program

Additional Information 

For additional information on these two degrees:

  1. Please see the Jones Graduate School of Business website:
  2. Please see the Environmental Analysis website:

Opportunities for the MBA/MSEA Coordinated Degrees Program

Additional Information 

For additional information on these two degrees:

  1. Please see the Jones Graduate School of Business website:
  2. Please see the Environmental Analysis website: